Fitness and Nutrition Expert. Human Movement Specialist. Editorialist, Consultant, Coach, Advisor, and Role-Model.
Over the last 22 years, I've spent countless hours researching and studying, seeking answers to my own questions, investigating the depths of my own curiosities, and seeking clarity around the subjects that make the most sense to explore. A mission of connecting the dots and making sense of the things that most often stand in our way. We allow them to complicate the benign and unnecessarily prevent us from becoming the best version of ourselves.
Dots like: optimal mechanics and pain-free movement. Optimal nutrition and gut health. Optimal breathing and foundational performance. Optimal awareness and functional movement.
I'm certified in corrective exercise, fitness nutrition, strength and conditioning, athletic performance, endurance training, also as a running coach. Professionally, I specialize in human movement and optimal performance.
Since taking this road-less-traveled, I’ve found myself in some interesting places (literally and figuratively). I have found great value and utility in practices that include meditation, breathwork, high-intensity breath-holding, high-endurance training, ultra-marathons, and cold water exposure, to name a few.